Raghib Hussain is President of Products and Technologies at Marvell where he oversees the company’s businesses and technologies by defining overall strategy, aligning roadmaps, monitoring and prioritizing product development, leading innovation and driving growth. Raghib also has oversight of the Office of the CTO – the driving force behind Marvell’s long-term technology vision and strategy transformation efforts.
Previously he served as Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice President of the company’s Networking and Processors Group.
Raghib 在 2018 年加入 Marvell,此前,他是 Cavium 公司的联合创始人之一并担任公司首席运营官。 Prior to Cavium, Raghib held engineering roles at both Cisco and Cadence and helped found VPNet, an enterprise security company. Raghib earned a B.S. in Computer Systems Engineering from NED University in Karachi, Pakistan, and an M.S. in Computer Engineering from San Jose State University. 他在网络和安全领域拥有超过 40 项专利。